범위 관례
인덱스로 원소 접근 Get, Set
- 콜렉션에서 가장 많이 쓰이는 연산은 인덱스를 이용해 읽고 쓰는 연산
- 자바에서 배열 원소에 접근할때 [ ] 를 사용하는 것처럼 코틀린의 맵에서도 이를 사용한다.
callbackParamMap["success"] = true
* Allows to use the index operator for storing values in a mutable map.
public inline operator fun <K, V> MutableMap<K, V>.set(key: K, value: V): Unit {
put(key, value)
class ExampleUnitTest {
fun test() {
val list = mutableListOf("A", "B", "C")
list[0] = "D"
val map = mutableMapOf(0 to "A", 1 to "B", 2 to "C")
map[0] = "D"
class ExampleUnitTest {
fun test() {
val position = Position(10, 20)
position[0] = 30 -> set
println(position[1]) -> get
data class Position(var a: Int, var b: Int) {
operator fun set(position: Int, value: Int) {
when (position) {
0 -> a = value
1 -> b = value
else -> throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("Invalid $position")
operator fun get(position: Int): Int = when (position) {
0 -> a
1 -> b
else -> throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("Invalid $position")
In 관례
- in 은 객체가 컬렉션에 들어있는지 검사한다.
- in 연산자와 대응하는 함수는 contains
a in c → c.contains(a)
a in x until y : a 가 x 이상 y 미만
a in x .. y : a 가 x 이상 y 이하
iterator, rangeTo 관례
- 이터레이터를 얻은다음 이터레이터에대해 hasNext 와 next 호출을 반복하는식으로 변환됨
for(i: Int in 1..10)
for(item in itemList)
* An iterator over a collection or another entity that can be represented as a sequence of elements.
* Allows to sequentially access the elements.
public interface Iterator<out T> {
* Returns the next element in the iteration.
public operator fun next(): T
* Returns `true` if the iteration has more elements.
public operator fun hasNext(): Boolean
override fun iterator(): IntIterator = IntProgressionIterator(first, last, step)
/** An iterator over a sequence of values of type `Int`. */
public abstract class IntIterator : Iterator<Int> {
override final fun next() = nextInt()
/** Returns the next value in the sequence without boxing. */
public abstract fun nextInt(): Int
* An iterator over a progression of values of type `Int`.
* @property step the number by which the value is incremented on each step.
internal class IntProgressionIterator(first: Int, last: Int, val step: Int) : IntIterator() {
private val finalElement: Int = last
private var hasNext: Boolean = if (step > 0) first <= last else first >= last
private var next: Int = if (hasNext) first else finalElement
override fun hasNext(): Boolean = hasNext
override fun nextInt(): Int {
val value = next
if (value == finalElement) {
if (!hasNext) throw kotlin.NoSuchElementException()
hasNext = false
else {
next += step
return value
operator fun ClosedRange<LocalData>.iterator(): Iterator<LocalDate> =
object : Iterator<LocalDate> { // 이 객체는 LocalDate 원소에 대한 iterator를 구현한다.
var current = start
override fun hasNext() =
current <= endInclusive // compareTo 관례를 사용해 날짜를 비교한다.
override fun next() = current.apply {
current = plusDays(1)
} // 현재 날짜를 저장한 다음에 날짜를 변경한다. 그 후 저장해둔 날짜를 반환한다.
>> val newYear = LocalDate.ofYearDay(2017,1)
>> val daysOff = newYear.minusDays(1)..newYear
>> for (dayOff in daysOff) { println(dayOff) }
* Represents a range of values (for example, numbers or characters) where both the lower and upper bounds are included in the range.
* See the [Kotlin language documentation](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/ranges.html) for more information.
public interface ClosedRange<T : Comparable<T>> {
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